Sunday, November 28, 2010

Small Press Holiday Recommendations: Day 19

Today’s recommendations come from two New York poets. Not even “New York-based” poets, but gen-u-ine native New Yorker, born there, stayed there, writers. Jackie Sheeler contacted me a few years ago when I was trying to get my friend, poet and vet Richard Leck, a proper burial. Though we didn’t end up needing to raise money to bury him, Jackie agreed to participate in his memorial reading, so I got to experience her voice on stage first hand. Jackie’s a talented wordsmith, an activist, and a force of nature. Her heart’s always in the right place and when she writes, she also says something worth listening to.

I’m “meeting” Tony Gloeggler for the first time through these small press recommendations but I already feel richer for reading a few of his poems. I’m looking forward to checking out his books and also the small presses they are on: his publication list reminds me to look closer at Ohio’s Pavement Saw Press and introduces me to the existence of Jane Street Press.


1. inheriting craziness is like a soft halo of light, Thomas Fucaloro (Three Rooms Press)

2. The Quick and the Dead, Elizabeth Harrington (Grayson Books chapbook competition winner)

3. The Last Lie, Tony Gloeggler (NYQ Books)

Recommended by
Jackie Sheeler, poet & songwriter, most recently the author of Earthquake Came to Harlem (NYQ Books, 2010)


1. Bones & Jokes, Ted Jonathan (NYQ Books)

2. Girl On A Bridge, Suzanne Frischkorn (Main Street Rag)

3. Earthquake Comes to Harlem, Jackie Sheeler (NYQ Books)

Recommended by
Tony Gloeggler, author most recently of The Last Lie on NYQ Books.

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